Having lots of fun, although still very unsure of my flute playing - but it is getting better each performance.
Here are some photos - yes I have been wandering around with my lovely DSLR snapping off shots here there & everywhere!
Here are Gordie & Danielle all dressed up & ready to meow their way through the show! Gordie is Munkustrap - the storyteller.
Daniel as Rum Tum Tugger
Gordie & me backstage before a show - can you see my cat ears? Actually we are in the hallway - aka "the Band Dressing Room". You can just see part of the sign I made up & stuck on the mirror!!
Some of the orchestra in the backstage kitchen. Nicola, Maureen, Me (now you can see my cat ears!) & Ben - our fantastically talented Musical Director.
Daniel, Danielle & me.
You can see from the photos - we are all having great fun!
The whole season was sold out a week before opening, so playing to full houses every night.
Just purrrrrfect.....
See you all soon, Mandy xx
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